路由# 321076470

我应该 为我的汽车贷款再融资?

2021年6月23日 6分钟

不能让你 汽车分期付款?


有一辆汽车提供了许多便利. You do not have to worry about lugging groceries on the bus or waiting 45 minutes for the train. 然而, 对于那些遇到财务问题的人, having to pay a car loan can make owning a car seem more like a burden than a convenience. 如果你拖欠付款, 或者担心你很快就会, assessing your financial situation and actively pursuing your options can help you make the best of a difficult situation.


当你第一次落后的时候, your lender may call you and/or send you letters in an attempt to collect the delinquent amount. 如果你继续拖欠付款, 不要和你的贷款人达成协议, 这辆车可能会被收回. 如果报道, the late payments and repossession can damage your credit score and make it harder to get credit in the future.

How long the lender will wait before repossessing the car depends on where you live and the specific policies of your lender. Some states allow cars to be repossessed after one missed payment.

Once a car is repossessed, it is usually sold through an auction. It is common for cars to sell at auctions for a fraction of their resale value. 如果你的车售价低于你的贷款余额, 你将欠出借人差额, 叫做"不足平衡".

评估你为什么 努力偿还汽车贷款

Are you facing a temporary hardship, or is the car just not affordable? You will be better able to determine an appropriate course of action if you know why you are struggling. If you are not sure if you can afford to keep your car, 制定预算,列出你的收入和支出可能会有所帮助. 你花的比赚的多吗? If so, that is probably one of the reasons why you are struggling with your payments. Can you make any changes to your expenses or income to make the payments more affordable, 比如找一份兼职工作或者少出去吃饭? It is also helpful to consider if you can get by without the car. 有别的车你可以开吗? Are you able to carpool or take public transportation to work? If you absolutely need the car to get to work or run errands, it may make sense to sacrifice whatever you can to be able to keep the car.

对于那些由于暂时的困难而落后的人, refinancing provides a way to become current without making extra payments.”

寻求 临时救助


In a loan extension the lender takes the payments you missed or are asking to skip and adds them to the end of the loan. This increases your repayment period but eliminates the need to make extra payments to become current on the loan. 如果你感兴趣的话, 你应该给你的贷款人打电话, but keep in mind that not all lenders offer loan extensions.


In a repayment plan the lender collects a partial extra payment on top of your regular monthly payment until you have repaid the full delinquent amount. Of course, you could also make a double payment, but many people do not have the funds to do that. 如果你拖欠欠款, avoid sending in a partial payment without talking to your lender first, 因为它可能会在没有正式协议的情况下被拒绝.

什么时候 为汽车再融资

Refinancing your car loan is an option that may work for people in a variety of situations. 对于那些由于暂时的困难而落后的人, refinancing provides a way to become current without making extra payments. 对于那些汽车支付过高的人, refinancing provides a way to lower the payments if they have already paid down a significant portion of the loan, 因为这样可以延长还款期限.


如果你为你的汽车贷款再融资, 你改变了条款, 贷款期限和/或利率, 偿还你所欠的贷款. 例如, 如果两年后支付20美元,000, 4 year loan at 7% you decide to refinance the remaining balance of $10,697美元,以7%的利率再贷款4年, 你的月供将从478美元减少.92 to $256.每月节省200多美元.

The same result can be achieved with a loan modification if your current lender is willing to extend your loan and lower your monthly payment. Having a lower payment can help cash-strapped individuals who want to keep their cars, but because you are borrowing money for a longer period of time, refinancing can increase the total interest paid over the life of the loans. 此外,如果你 信用评分低在美国,可能很难获得新的贷款.

考虑 卖掉你的车

If you do not feel that you can afford to keep the car, it is better to sell it than to let it get repossessed. Selling a car is fairly straightforward if you can get at least enough for it to pay off your loan. 然而, it is not uncommon for people to be “upside down” – owe more on the loan than what they can sell the car for. 在这种情况下你会怎么做?

  • One option would be to ask the lender to forgive the difference between the amount that is left on the loan and what you sell the car for.
  • Another option would be to set up a repayment plan for the balance remaining on the loan. 自, 在大多数情况下, 你可以以比贷方更高的价格出售汽车, you probably would not have to pay back as much as if you let the car get repossessed.

如果你打算再买一辆车, you may be able to roll over the remaining balance into the new car loan. 然而, this option will only save you money if you purchase a new car that is much cheaper than the one you have now.

If you cannot sell the car at all, you can see if the lender would be willing to accept the car back. 这被称为自愿收回. Most lenders report voluntary repossessions on credit reports (which will lower your credit score, 就像一般的收回遗嘱一样), so you may only want to consider it if other options have not worked out or if the lender is willing to give you something in exchange for turning in the car, 比如减少你需要偿还的金额.


When you are experiencing financial problems, it is easy to feel helpless. You may not be able to control everything that happens in your life, 但是如果你正在为你的车贷而挣扎, you have options – you do not need to wait until your car is repossessed. 打电话给你的贷款人. 在报纸上登“出售”广告. 看看你能不能再申请贷款.

我们也是来帮忙的,跟我们的 注册金融专家 – they’re here to listen and help you come up with the best plan for your vehicle loan. It’s complimentary and confidential – just for Patelco members.


咨询来源:Broadridge Financial Solutions.

